Musician's Academy
Website Redesign & Prototype
The main goal of the website rebrand was to get people to increase the number of customers for music lessons and to improve the user experience for all visitors of the website. The overall idea of the redesign was to keep everything simple yet eye-catching and easy to understand. Parents are constantly overwhelmed and creating a site that was informative, yet intriguing was incredibly important.
After conducting research and competitor analysis, I used the information I gained to begin deciding what elements did or did not work for this company and began laying out wireframes to get a feel for the location of everything. After wireframing I went on to distribute all of the content to where it needed to be then I prototyped the website in Adobe XD. 
Existing Collateral
Original Home Screen
Original Home Screen
Original Lessons Screen
Original Lessons Screen
When redesigning the website I found that I needed to focus on information location and spacing. In working with these concepts and the idea to keep things light and airy I used a lot of white space with monotone imagery for cohesion. When redesigning this website I wanted to focus on clearing up the page and presenting the important information where needed to declutter and entertain the eye. Using joyful images and lightweight design elements helps reinforce the friendly yet informative nature of the company. 

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