LED Billboards - Brewster Street Icehouse
Event & Institutional Promotions
Promote different events at Brewster Street Icehouse to increase sales and promote brand recognition.
With these billboards, I was given photo assets and was asked to create the designs for multiple billboard companies. Upon being given the assets I researched the event/bands to better understand who would be attending the event and to best serve this audience within this design. With the LED billboards we have the estimated view time is usually 7-10 seconds when someone is driving 60+ MPH you have to keep the designs simple and extremely clear as to what the focal information is to get your message across within that short time limit. I would manipulate the assets given and create concise yet intriguing designs to promote the events. Upon completing each billboard, I would send a draft to my superiors for review and assessment. 
This project helped me better understand quick viewing within the design and how to attract an audience’s attention within a short period. In working on these LEDs I also learned a lot about concise verbiage and graphics and how to utilize hierarchy within the designs to give the most important information first and have the remaining secondary information at a size/format that would also allow them the chance to read. I also learned how to best negate certain information for drivers and how to format for large LED viewing exportation. 

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