Original Concept Magazine | Case Study made for Graphic Design Course
Original Concept
For the initial ideology of creating this magazine, I personally looked towards social issues that I really care about to Focus on. I created a wordlist with ideas of different things that I loved such as art, climate change, and destigmatizing medical cannabis use for all. I chose the name "Cannaseurs" to reference the connoisseurs of the business world that utilize medical cannabis on a daily basis. These people are looking for informative information on how to properly utilize their medication and how to enjoy life while doing so.  

 In my research process, I searched the internet, library, and bookstores to find interviews, photographs, and information that I thought would be impactful to Cannaseur. Cannaseur is hoping to destigmatize medical cannabis use while also being weed-curious friendly so I wanted to find informative information that would benefit regular cannabis users such as recipes and cannabis product callouts that would catch the attention of non-cannabis users alike. I created a mood board and utilized Pinterest for a lot of different layout ideas and works to help base my work on and created a color palette utilizing cool tones to please the eye yet intrigue with a funky color palette which I noticed helped me keep my eyes on the page instead of super minimalistic designs. 

I referenced a lot of different cannabis magazines and tried to utilize a different color palette to catch the eye and stand out from the crowd. In utilizing a funky color palette I wanted to utilize clean simplistic text that allows the imagery and designs to shine and show off their colors. I chose pink to reference the bubbly bubble gun nature of cannabis and its users and green (of course) but in a muted color.

I utilized sketching and a wordlist to create my designs and organize all of what I needed to do in one place. I utilized boxes to sketch out the spreads and create a flat plan for me to jump off of. I created very loose designs that utilized imagery and shapes intertwining and hoped to create interesting designs based on them. 

Development  & Finalization
I created my basic designs and utilized them on different mockups. I feel that the designs capture the essence of the nature of the magazine while also not being too "stoner-like' or unruly. 

I really feel that I could've expanded upon the magazine to create a couple more diverse layouts and utilize some illustrative work. I also would have liked to include more medical information to really highlight the medical cannabis focus of the magazine. I would love to do more work related to this industry in the future.

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